Pet-Friendly Wedding

How do you include these adorable guests in your wedding?

Pets have become part of our family since their company brings us great joy; they give us their love and loyalty. If you are one of the couples who share a mutual love for your pet, surely you want them to join you in one of the most critical moments of your life, but how can we include our furry friends in our wedding?

You should primarily know your pet’s temperament or if he is social or shy. For example, if they are social, you can certainly include them as part of the celebration!

If your pet is somewhat shy or introverted, a photo session will be your best option. They will be less stressed and will feel confident to be with you. Make sure to hire a professional who has pet expertise to keep the shooting going amicably.

And would you like your furry one to be that special guest at your wedding? We want our fluffy friends, of course, but how do you organize your wedding without having it become a disaster? We have fantastic recommendations for you and your pet from professionals and experts in this area!

For Guillermo Pharis, without a doubt, there are certain things that must be taken into account to celebrate a wedding with pets, such as having someone who can take care of your pet on the wedding day.  

“Generally pets can usually last a short time in peace, afterward they need to walk, eat or run. A guest cannot take care of the pets as it would be an inconvenience and the wedding would be a lost cause, so the ideal thing would be to hire someone who can take care of them during the ceremony and after the ceremony, there is many pet sitters in our area that would be happy to assist you in the wedding and take care of our furry friends”, setting up a pet exclusive area in the venue and offering to your guest this friendly and top-notch service will definitely upgrade your wedding to next level “, Guillermo Pharis said.

Check with the venue if they allow your pet during the event. Many times we take it for granted that animals can go anywhere, but in many wedding venues there are restrictions on this. Check all the options before you get upset the same day!

Keep in mind the personality of your pet friend! If your dog, for example,  is one of those who won’t stop barking, the day of the ceremony is something that he will undoubtedly do. If your cat prefers to scratch than to sleep on someone’s lap … the day of the ceremony is what she will do. It is essential to think about your pet’s sociability before including it in the wedding. A recommendation to follow for your own comfort and that of your guests.

For this special day, you have to “dress” them appropriately: an elegant bow tie or a bow to match the accessories of the bride. Leashes and necklaces should also be special and elegant. In the pet accessories market, there are many models to choose from.

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